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Lotus in Bloom

The JSIO Speakers Bureau is a way to connect Hosts seeking Speakers to speak at your Event. A wide variety of Buddhist topics are available to present to your audience, Buddhist and non-Buddhist alike.

Speaker Directory

JSIO Speaker’s Bureau Agreement

These are the terms of the contract between Jodo Shinshu International Office, on one side, and those who wish to make use of our JSIO Speaker’s Bureau, on the other side.

Please read the agreement to view the list of speakers.

1. Definitions: Jodo Shinshu International Office, a California nonprofit religious corporation, is called “JSIO.” The JSIO Speaker’s Bureau, a free service of JSIO, is called the “Speaker’s Bureau.” A temple or other group that wishes to host a speaking event is called the “Host.” An individual who wishes to present at a speaking event is called the “Speaker.” Each speaking event, which may be conducted in person or online, is called the “Event.” This contract is called the “Agreement.”

2. Arrangements Between the Host and the Speaker: The purpose of the Speaker’s Bureau is to make information available to Hosts and Speakers who may decide to work with each other in connection with an Event. All arrangements between the Host and the Speaker must be agreed upon between them, and JSIO recommends that the arrangements be specified in a signed written contract. JSIO does not participate in the negotiations between the Host and the Speaker and is not a party to any contract that the Host and the Speaker may agree upon.

3. Applications to Participate in the Speakers Bureau: Individuals who wish to be listed as an available speaker in the Speakers Bureau must first apply in writing to JSIO by filling out the online form provided here. The application must include (a) the name and contact information of the Speaker, (b) requested information for JSIO internal use and (c) the specific information that the Speaker wishes to be displayed at the website where Speakers are listed. The completed form will be transmitted to JSIO.

4. Proposed Listing: The specific information to be listed at the website must be clearly identified under the heading “Proposed Listing” and may include the name, photograph, contact information and professional background of the Speaker and the proposed topics for an Event. It is recommended the Proposed Listing be no longer than 250 words and include only one photograph. Speaker acknowledges that JSIO has the right to decide whether or not to accept the Proposed Listing for posting in the Speakers Bureau at its sole lawful discretion. If JSIO accepts the Proposed Listing for posting, Speaker authorizes JSIO to post the Proposed Listing in the Speaker’s Bureau. The Proposed Listing, once posted, may be removed at the sole lawful discretion of JSIO and shall be removed upon the request in writing from the Speaker by email to

5. Access to Listings in the Speakers Bureau: Access to the Speakers Bureau is permitted only to Speakers and Hosts who have agreed to be bound by this Agreement by clicking on the AGREE button. If a Host or Speaker has reached “Speakers Bureau listing page,” “Speakers Bureau contact page” or “Speakers Bureau application page,” it means that the AGREE button has been clicked on. If a Speaker or a Host is a legal entity rather than an individual, the person who clicked on the AGREE button represents and warrants to JSIO that he or she has the right to bind the legal entity.

6. Assurances by the Speaker: The Speaker represents and warrants to JSIO that all information provided to JSIO, including the Proposed Listing in its entirety, is accurate, current and correct, and the Speaker has the right to authorize JSIO to display the Proposed Listing (including both visual images and text) without the consent of any third party and without infringing the rights of any third party.

7. Assurances by the Host: The Host represents and warrants to JSIO that Host will be solely responsible for all arrangements with the Speaker and all costs and risks of presenting the Event. The Host acknowledges that the JSIO is not responsible or liable for any misstatements in the Proposed Listing and/or any wrongful conduct by the Speaker.

8. Release and Indemnity: Each Speaker and each Host waives and releases JSIO from any claims arising in any manner the Speakers Bureau, including but not limited to any and all claims (a) based on the content of the Speakers Bureau, (b) arising from the Event, (c) by the Speaker against the Host, and (d) by the Host against the Speaker. Each Speaker and each Host agrees to indemnify, defend and hold JSIO harmless against any such claims.

9. Termination of Speakers Bureau: JSIO has the right to terminate the Speakers Bureau at any time at its sole discretion and without obligation to any Host and/or Speaker.

10. Additional Terms and Conditions: This Agreement relates only to the Speakers Bureau. Each Speaker and each Host acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of JSIO as displayed at its websites.

— End of JSIO Online Speakers Bureau Agreement —

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