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Who we are

Jodo Shinshu International Office is the further development of the Hongwanji Office, founded in 2006 by Hongwanji-ha and operated under Buddhist Churches of America. JSIO has now grown into its own religious non-profit organization.

Our Mission

Under the slogan “The World is Waiting for Buddhism and Shinran Shonin” the JSIO strives to provide people with opportunities to encounter the teaching of Shinran Shonin and to nurture Nembutsu practitioners throughout the world. JSIO will develop its programs with the belief that the teaching of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism contributes to the establishment of a society where people live a life of compassion together with others.

Jodo Shinshu International Members

Our Programs

Jodo Shinshu International Office (JSIO) programs all fall under one of two categories: education & training or propagation. JSIO is continuing the programs that were previously conducted by the Hongwanji Office.

Under Development and Future Programs

JSCC Support and Development:

This project will create a more accessible and less intensive educational program for those who are new to or interested in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.

Networking with Other Sects and Religions:

This program will promote and create activities to increase the visibility and presence of Jodo Shinshu as a world religion by participating in communication and networking with other religions and sects.

Research on Effective Propagation
Interaction Between Japan and Overseas Districts
Sharing Research/Information with Japan - Multiple Languages
Strategies for International Growth
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